Gerry Stevenson, President Brenda Samuels, Norman Proctor MBE
and Terry Nickells presenting a cheque for £1011
Proceeds from the Jaipur Limb Curry Evening
Organised by Gerry and Terry - WELL DONE
All Rotary Clubs do such good work,
When disaster strikes – they never shirk,
They toil and save and scrimp and serve
To give to others what they deserve,
They feed the hungry, heal the sick
And when required they’ll build with brick;
A house for those who had no home,
And help some street kids cease to roam.
They’ll buy some plastic tube and hose
To make some legs and feet for those,
Blown off by mines or sometimes so,
They’ve been struck down by polio.
Rotary clubs helping every land
As they get to work and Lend A Hand
The contribution that they make
In time alone would make some quake,
But more – they save for our creation
Our own The Rotary Foundation,
That charity grows and we all give thanks
By using it for Global & District grants,
Exchanging study groups as was
Under the name of GSE,
And then of course there’s learned scholars,
Studying Peace with our Rotary dollars.
Resolving conflict is our greatest need
Surely helped by Sowing Loving Seed.
Soon through love and care we’ll see
A world that will be polio free.
No iron lungs, no limbs awry,
Then all will walk with heads held high.
And then, where then, will we need to go?
Where will we find our seeds to sow?
But with so many tasks to fill each day
We can help our world as we Lead the Way
We may need to ask where will we be,
When 10 years on the world we see,
Maybe many more in squalor deep
While millions have no where to sleep.
When forest fires have cleared the trees
And debt has brought others to their knees.
It’s not a farce – most will be true
We must Believe in what we do.
And do What we believe in too
Our work for others can never end
As we show just how to Be A Friend
Please listen now and take away
The problem facing us today.
At your next meeting - outline the need
For more of us to sow more seed.
Rotary must be the saving grace.
The challenge every club must face.
Think of new ways to help and serve;
More ways to care, straining every nerve.
Every member will the world remind
Our Business really is Mankind
Think - a working meeting might be able
To make for sale a chair or table.
We could make and sell some simple jewels
Then buy and ship machines and tools
Perhaps at times the weekly meeting
Could be food for thought – and not for eating
Create Awareness can give a great reaction
To ensure that all will be Taking Action
Of course these are some points of view.
How to respond is up to you.
It is your club and you know best,
For none of this is said in jest,
Please think – this really is the time
To stop and put yourself in line,
Please ask – is our Club shouting loud,
To tell that all are very proud;
That every member shares the notion
We are Humanity in Motion
The world is changing day by day
Terror strikes abound in every way
There is more need for Rotary now
To show the way as we all grow
We must lead the world to really show
Peace through Service is the way to go
This club whose record stands supreme
Will understand each theme we read
The Hope that Rotary brings to us
Will drive you on with little fuss
Rotary’s Future is in your Hands
As you help those folk in foreign lands
And surely with your flags unfurled
You’ve been a true Gift to the World
And next we’ll have a Germ for boss
I know he’ll never be at a loss
To drive us on with tenacity
And be Rotary Serving Humanity
Working with Our Rotary Themes
GOOD IDEA: The Tippy Taps' proved so successful they were taken to homes and villages
ON DECEMBER 15th 2015, the Rotary Club of Saltash and their guests celebrated Christmas dinner at Rhodes at the Dome on the Hoe. The venue, menus and service were give a "thumbs up" by all those attending. Following a speech by the club president, Thomas Gehrmann, the evening culminated in the presentation of Paul Harris Fellowship Awards to Sally Alexander and Keith Halsey. The Paul Harris Fellowship is the highest form of recognition within Rotary International. Sally and Keith have spent the last two years in Fort Portal, Uganda, working at the Canon Apolo Primary Teaching College. Keith was a tutor in woodwork and metal working, while Sally taught practical art and special needs education at the college. As Rotarians, Sally and Keith were made welcome by the Rotary Club of Kabarole which they attended on a weekly basis. Noting that there were no hand washing facilities at primary schools they visited, Sally and Keith developed the concept of 'Tippy Taps". These were made from recycled materials, string and some nails (pictured), and the idea was taken up by the Kabarole Club. It proved so successful that the idea was taken by the children to their own homes and villages. In addition, Sally and Keith taught art, dressmaking, woodworking and other useful skills during their two years away. It was for this "service above self" that the awards were presented by Past president Gerry Stevenson
Supported Projects Include: Aquabox, Shelterbox, Jaipur limb, Literacy box, Shoebox, fund raising.
The Aquabox
The Shelterbox